Thursday, August 18, 2011

Which Pantech Pursuit color?

Blue this is a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a best Pantech Color.

Do you consider MENSA members to be arrogant?

My own personal belief aside that anyone who has such a high intellect should actually use it for the betterment of mankind as opposed to simply declaring it by joining a group, most of the "Mensans" I've met are really quite arrogant. They believe the ability to solve a few puzzles that most are unable to figure out makes them superior, and they believe anyone of slightly lesser intelligence to be retarded. Any thoughts?

What did Gandhi mean my non-cooperation?

Non -cooperation means civil disobedience. But Gandhi's non-cooperation was also "a-himsa" meaning "not-violent". This was a great success and the Indian Nation earned its' freedom this way without any wars and bloodshed.

Girls, do you play mind games? Why?

my sister was always playing mind games with guys. I think that she was insecure with herself and her way of feeling wanted was to screw around with the guy that she was with. I have never done those things. i was pretty much straight foward. she would love the attention she would get. Not all girls are like that..I hope that you come across someone who does play games.

I nead some one to explain what are surface markers?

What are surface markers and what do they do ?What are the cells surface markers on proteins ,molecule ,DNA and RNA or of your own cells? Why are antigens cells ,proteins ,molecule ,DNA and RNA are made of surface markers ?

What is a good name for a small white dog?

A very very small dog. I like names that end in a vowel sound. What do you think of "Coco"?

Should I get surgery?

He should accept you for who you are, there are so many complications, they can burst without you knowing.

Just downloaded Windows 7. Why are some applications in Korean like ??^?? or all weird letters and signs?

I just downloaded Windows 7 today. So I downloaded AlZip(Korean) as my WinRar alternative. But because Alzip is Korean, Windows 7 shows all these weird signs and everything. A's with dots over their head, ? marks, 3/4 signs, Copyright signs, trademark signs, all these weird things. I tried changing the language, adding language, doing Unicode something, I don't know. Help me!

Will the neolibs actually listen to the Presidents speech, or are they going to?

listen to someone like Jon Stewarts ten second interpretation of it, and draw their warped conclusions while making their false allegations again?

He stole my heart... And he's none too gentle with it. And yet, he's always in my mind and heart... Why?

No he doesn't like you he is too busy loving himself but he likes the hold he has got on you he can shame you anger you but can still flirt with you and you will like it.Stay away he gets off on making you look a fool but only while you allow him to

Why do preachers?

Why is it that preachers have to go through some sort of school to be preachers or pastors? If they are a man of God they shouldnt need a schooling!!!! And why is that Pastors and Christians always speak of prosperity instead of living right

How to get the love back?

hi there ya just got to let go of the past, and live on, dont ruin this relationship cause she said or is doing what other girls have done, you will have her feeling she is walking on egg shells not being able to be herself, and thats where you will fail your relationship. try to forget the past i know its hard but you just got to let go ok.

Countdown?!? help me please!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What is the best cathode/anode when doing an experiment on the electrolysis of water?

In my opinion, the best electrodes to use for both the anode and cathode when doing an experiment on the electrolysis of water would be non-reactive ones such as platinum or graphite, and perhaps stainless steel. From experience, I know that using copper electrodes only produces hydrogen, because copper tends to oxidize before water does. I also prefer using epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to sulfuric acid, since the latter is corrosive to the skin. If price does not matter, you may like to experiment with more than one type to see which does the job best.

Someone help me please!!?

Iodine -131 is a radioactive isotope produced in fission reactions and released in atmospheric atomic bomb testing during the 1950's and 60's, and during the Chernobyl accident. The half-life is 8.1 days. If a 100 g sample of I-131 was released , how much will still be present in 24.3 days?

Freak The Mighty questions?

Somebody from the homework help section could help you with that. If you read the book, you'll find out all the answers.

What elements align with iodine to make a 4-element super hero team? and why?

I'm doing this project for science and we had to make a superhero with an element. I chose Iodine... so can you help me?!?!

Does anyone know the spanish lullaby a re ru ro ninos duerme se mirar?

I do not speak spanish but my mother would sing me this she said it meant something like sleep or the coyote will come and eat u I kno it sounds evil but it really was a pretty song

How many sig figs is this following thing?

.0003040 how many sig figs is that.. .im guessing 4..? i think.. 20 characters... more characters to suffice the dumb thing


Okay that is really really good I would read that. I liked it so much i didn't want you to stop, infact why did you!

This report weeks old, not seen by an orthopeadic. I`am 65 years of age and healthy.Need to be directed.?

65 and a big Social Security check is a lot of weight in the pockets. Might want to lighten the load off the knees -- I think your problem might have to do something with your age. ..-Glad your healthy... -See a doctor--- he will lighten the load in your pockets....

Smoking weed near the fireplace?

If you stand inside it yes. This is because smoke always rises. This is an ingenius idea. I guess smoking weed really does make you more creative.

Spanish question.... commands with object (direct/indirect) pronouns?

What are the exact rules regarding where to place the accent in commands... you would place the accent on the 1st vowel, "o" in c�mpramelo (from what I know) yet on the "e" (the second vowel) in cont�stame... what am I missing/isn't clicking for me here? thanks.

My body feels a continuous ache, please help x?

There are about a million conditions that can cause body aches. Without a doctor's diagnosis, we could speculate all day. Could be depression or anxiety, could be that you're getting sick, could be that you need to cut down on the walking for a few days. Try some solid best rest. Take Advil, use a heating pad, wear comfortable clothes, and most of all, relax. Have you been stressed lately? If you don't feel better after a few days of rest, then you might want to consider seeing a doctor.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What are my chances at Rice University as a transfer?

Not very good, especially with a 3.1 GPA. Rice is a top 20 school in the country, you need close to a 4.0 GPA if possible. At least 3.75 I would say. You cant make below B's & expect to go to a top - tier university. Sorry.

Original $10-15 Kris kringle ideas?

I have a 13 yr old girl, and i dont just want to get her the usual chocolate. I want some original idea

Can you give me two book title names! (i.e. below)?

I think editors help with titles ( I know they sure don't mind telling you if they don't like the one you chose!)

Weird science question?

So today in cl my physics teacher told us of this theory that was the product of a scientist using lsd. And that it says the whole universe and everything is like a collective conscience/imagination from everyone? I'm probably butchering what it really is but the topic is not so typical so anything remotely to it is probably related. He also said it could be mathematically proven. I was wondering where I could find more info on this it sounded pretty interesting. Btw he even said himself that he didn't believe it once he heard it but as he read and researched the topic he became more and more convinced (although he believes in a single god).

Can my line manager give some of my duties including line management responsibility to somebody else?

I have had a number of issues with my line manager (which I have discussed in the hope of resolution but this has not come about). My line manager frequently approaches in a direct manner staff that report to me. My staff then respond to my line manager. I am constantly being by-ped and feel undermined and without authority over my staff and department. I am off sick for 2 weeks and my line manager contacted me to say that they would be getting extra help in to cover for the period. However I feel this is a front to effectively side-line me further. I believe that areas of my work will be handed over to this individual and my direct reports will begin to by-p me even more reporting into this new person and that my line manager will see them as the main contact between myself and my staff and not me. I would be grateful if anybody could share their views on this particularly in terms of legalities. My JD clearly states my role is to line manage my departments including the departmental managers. Thank you.

Ladies I need advice!!!!?

I think she definitely likes you. If she is still with her boyfriend she cannot flirt with you all the time or else people will become supsicous. So in order to make you feel like she is interested she will flirt with you. I think you need to continue talking and flirting with her show her what a great person you are and what a better guy you are than het current boyfriend. She will see that you are after awhile if she doesn't already. I don't think you will have to wait long for her to break up with her boyfriend she obviously isn't happy in the relationship. Good luck :)

The Vampire Diaries Screen saver?

I would really like to have a vampire diaries screen saver. I can't find one though. It is a show on the CW. I have already been to their website and it wouldn't let me download anything, Please help

How can i look my age! 18 who looks like 12 or may be 11!?

well i am almost 19 mmm but i look like a child,,, i am short! mmm i do have a childish face that is why i am scared away from make up bec i dont want to look like a 5 year old playing with her moms make up,,, i have curly brown hair which i always straighten it up but i never care to brush it,,, i dont have the body of a child but not a the body of a play boy bunny!

Photoshop question. How do you make photos shiny and radiant looking like this (link in detals)?

Hypothetically speaking lets say your husband was supposed to be watching the kids, but was playing on Yahoo?

the husband should run but he is not going to get far. He wont even get out the door before the wife is on his back strangling him. And if i were the wife i would kick my husbands *** out onto the couch for two days cause the ornament was special and he should have been watching the kids not being a lazy fat *** sitting on the computer while he is suppose to be watching the kids!

How to write a newspaper article for history in the perspective of someone who lived long ago...?

I'm trying to write a "Three page newspaper article" supporting the idea that the Enlightenment triumphed reason over faith. I'm having trouble writing from the perspective of a reporter in the 18th century. Any ideas on how I might do this a little better?

Patent ductus arteriosus question.?

you shud go see your cardiologist if you think there is a problem when was the last time you saw the hart doc? my son was fixed at 9 month

Why would a "lovely but a bit daft and terbrained girl" be entrusted with such a huge ignment?

The memory stick hadn't even been encrypted.The word gormless springs to mind.Any chav from a council estate would have at least done that surely.

What type of doctors are there? what kind would be best for me?

I am graduating high school this year. and i am going off to school to be a pharmacist. Although i have been quite interested in the idea of being a doctor. I am aware that tv shows distort things to make it more interesting to watch but shows such as house, just the concept of being able to examine people with problems and do testing to find the right diagnosis interests me, as a pharmacist i will probably miss out on alot of those things, i will only be focused on the medicine not on the specific treatment of different people. however i am sensitive to gory images, i can handle watching fake opperations on tv on doctor shows, but i can't quite handle the real thing. I have been trying to look up medical procedures working my way up from the least gruesome to the worst, to sorta force myself to get used to it. I know i wouldn't be able to be a surgen. but idk i dont no what types of doctors there are to choose from, i dont want to be a family doctor either. i have decided already when i choose pharmacy that i would rather work in a hospital. It would be helpful if someone could list types of doctors there are and what they do. however i am only focusing on undergraduate school. so any type that requires more than that i probably wont look into for a long time. my idea though to get used to gory images is slightly progressing, i have looked at an immage of a liver biopsy, and i realy dont no what else to look at that is mild, so i looked at images of untreated leprocy. so if anyone could help list medical procedures. I just would like help trying to get used to that type of stuff, and would like to learn what types of doctors there are. and anything else that you feel lmight help.

How can I get this guy??

Be honest, be yourself, white guys aren't always straight forward, depending on the person he could be extremely shy and therefore not straight forward. Tell him before it's too late. Be clear about it. Don't beat around the bush.

Surveys don't Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon make a really cute couple?

a href=",r:18,s:0&biw=1259&bih=603" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is it wrong that i am sleeping with my girlfriend but no at 17?(10 points for best answer)?

No, its not weird. You are quite a matured young man. I salute you for respecting her, understanding that you both are too young for , and not taking advantage of her grief. You are right that she is vulnerable and in grief now. It is normal to be feel scared of sleeping alone after someone's death. However , if you are not ready for having , it is better not to sleep together. Its not wrong, but its not wise

****Does this sound like a good summary?*****?

It sounds pretty good to me. You're pretty blunt about everything, which is good because with a topic like that you don't want to beat around the bush, you need to just lay all of your ideas out. Good job.

The best Bon Jovi song ever???????

Too many to say... Always, Bed of Roses, Everyday, Living on a Prayer, Bad Name, Edge of a Broken Heart, Bad Medicine, Two Story Town, Born to Be My Baby, Everything on the Lost highway wow i sound obsessed....thats just a couple though....i actually don't think I've come across a song I don't like though...

Has anyone used the Knit Lite or Crochet Lite?

The Knit Lite and the Crochet Lite are the needles that have lights in the tips, supposedly so one can crochet or knit in the dark. They are new products that I'm thinking about getting, but I wondered if anyone has used one of them--or if you know anyone that uses one.

Can someone who owns Hollister jeans do me a favor?

0 short: 30 inches. 0 regular: 32 inches. :) hope that helps! (sorry I don't have any size 1 jeans from Hollister)

How can I make my dog gain more weight?!?

I'm not a dog trainer or vet or any such thing, but, having had numerous dogs over the years, including a German Shepherd, my wife and I found that our dogs eat noticeably less during the hot summer months, just as a regular course of events. But, wanting our dogs to keep to a healthy diet, my wife started staying with our dogs till they had finished their bowls of food, or at least as much as she could coax them to do. That way she could encourage them to eat all their food, plus, it gave them the personal attention they always like. She was also able to make sure that all the dogs ate all THEIR OWN food and didn't rob each others' bowls, as sometimes our male dogs would to the female dogs. She might also include some food / leftovers we have here in the house for a special treat, like spicing up their life a bit with variety. By "spicing", I don't mean actually giving them spicy foods which may not be good for them, but she might have some leftover turkey that she'd cut up extra special for them and mix in with their regular foods, and they've always loved that. I can also recommend a treat sold at stores that ALL our dogs just go nuts for, and that's "Waggin' Train Wholesome Chicken Jerky Tenders". They're a bit more expensive but, if you want your dogs to eat more, this will DEFINITELY do the trick. You can break up one and mix in their food, or you can give them as a treat. We've found if you break them up and mix in their food, they'll eat their regular food much better. WARNING: The first one you give them as a treat they'll gently take from your hands. Thereafter, MAKE SURE you hold the smallest end, at the very tip, and be ready to let go ASAP!! Mine won't mind taking your fingers with the treat if you don't get your fingers out of the way!! NO JOKE!! And do break them in half at least since they love them so much that they forget they do need to chew them before they swallow them, and can sometimes begin choking on a whole one, so, break them in half or thirds, and if you put them in the palm of your hand and let your dogs take them that way, you'll be more likely to keep all your appendages. It may be best to break them up and put them in their food so they'll eat more of their regular food as well.

What do Feminists think of Code Pink?

"More war equals unfair suffering for women and children" -- Laugh! Where's the mention about the actual cannon-fodder there?

I was hypnotized to not eat candy and junk and it worked, but why?

I went to a great hypnotist to stop eating junk food and it worked and now I don't ever think about it at all, and I ate junk food every day before, but why does it work so well?


For chapter ten in T.K.A.M. I need serious help. Does anyone know five details about Atticus Finch that can be found in chapter ten?? PLEASE. I've read it over and over and I can only find one!! So, I guess that makes it four details....HELP.

My son says he does not want to get to know his father, as a mother what should I do?

My ex boyfriend who is the father of my ten year old has did very little to get to know his son. My husband of 8 years is the only father my son has really known. His real father has seen him twice and talked to him a few times on the phone. He uses the excuse that he lives in Australia and my son and I live in the States as a excuse. I asked him a few month's ago if my husband could adopt my son since he was not interested in being a dad. He said No and even told me that he wants to make more of an effort. He is coming to see him next week since he is off of school for the summer. The problem is I told my son that his dad wants to spend time with him and is coming next week and my son said he did not care and he did not want to get to know him. I am not sure what to do about this. As his mother should I encourage him to open up to his dad? Or should I let my son decide this on his own? I am weary about encouraging him in case he does end up hurting my son, if he did that I would be partly responsible because I did encourage him. My husband will not give me advice on this and has not said one word about this situation. He did say if my ex hurts my son again he will tear him to shreds. Does anyone have some advice, I know its my decision but I am really confuse on what to do about this. Thanks!

What is the best red lipstick, that's color will remain on for 5 hours?

I mean Gwen Stefani, Dita Von Teese, Scarlett Johansson red. I am interested in all price points, but I especially love cheapies:) No lip liners or lip glosses please!!! Thanks for your help;)

What picture should I put as my default on facebook?

You're really pretty. I like 1 & 4 the best,but your dad might say something about number one. Because no offense,but there's alot of (:

I want my parents to get divorced?

You are right; most marriages aren�t perfect and all have problems. And many have "problematic periods" that seem unsurpable. Happily, many couples are able to find the remedy, and any help would be wellcome, especially from their own mature child. Find the right time and place to tell them how you feel ( unselfish about your brother) and offer to do whatever you can to improve the situation. Remember them that it takes two to tango. Luckily and accordin to you they won�t get divorced before your little brother is of age.

Do Americans hate British people?

I live in both Britain and America. However, as I have a British accent, Americans insult me frivolously. They think I'm some posh fart, and how many blasted times have I heard "Do you eat crumpets, maybe you should go drink tea, pip pip cheerio." The first two phrases are annoying enough, pip pip cheerio really pisses me off. I have never said pip pip cheerio in my entire life. They also call Britain a socialist country, which also pisses me off, since that's baseless rubbish. "Go play cricket, Brit", "If it weren't for us in World War II". What the hell is wrong with you Yanks?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why does the Lord of Darkness persist in trolling the wrestling section?

WQ - HBK, but Chuck Taylor has the better hair via his short lived mullet. Chuckie T is the better heel too, his gimmick does revolve around making children cry after all.

What should I do knowing that my parents have copies of my personal ID & some financial statements?

I discovered that my parents have images of my driver's licence, centrelink card, centrelink statement of payments, & a copy of a credit card debt statement, on their computer. I am 48 years of age, they are in their late 70's & have given me 30 years of disrespect with one thing and another, to which I have been continually perplexed about & saddened by. I am fed up with their disrespect towards me & my son, & have decided that the only road to take now is to break all communication with them. They have obtained my personal details & photo copied my ID! What should I do?

If you were Andrew Sachs granddaughter?

Would you publicly admit you had actually slept with Russell Brand, or would you keep your mouth shut out of respect to your grandfather.

If starvation diets don't work, why do so many models do it? atkins, south beach, master cleanse?

Because they cant handle dropping weight by dehydrating themselves like professional fighters. Wussies.

Should i go back 2 a youth home in georgia when i live in memphis?

i am 18yrs old and last year i was arrested with possesion of a controlled substance wth intent 2 sell, manufacture, and distribute. instead of going 2 jail i chose 2 go 2 the paul anderson youth home in vidalia, georgia. I live in Memphis,Tennessee. I got there in may.09' and while i was there i was treated pooply by staff i have done many punishments and was nearly kicked out many times. staff thought i was trying 2 undermine them in everything i did and said.. they thought i was talking bad about the program behind there backs and influencing other boys 2 undermine, i think i did all theses things tho... well neways in december i was finally kicked out because i was given another boys sleeping pills by him and i took them. .......i am back home now awaiting court,, i emalied the youth home asking them 2 let me back ,.. after about a week i am back into the routine of being at home and the youth home said i could come back ,,,but i dont really want to but my whole family has put their faith into this place and are expecting me 2 go.....if i dont go i will have a fellony on my record tho...........i dont know wat 2 do because i have this feeling i will get kicked out if i go back

Why do older and younger people just look at you when they ASKED you a?

I agree with the girl above. What I do is that I do not acknowledge the question. If they cannot get the hint, that is their problem. That way I do not embarr them or give them hurt feelings. Just ignoring does the trick.

Sensory imagery in THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO ?

Through out all of Poe's stories he uses imagery to develop the setting. Some imagery from "The Cask of Amontillado" were "It was about dusk, one evening during the supreme madness of carnival season…" he uses that excerpt to establish the time. Later on, the narrator says "…bowed him through several suites of rooms to the archway that led into vaults. I ped down a long and winding staircase, requesting him to be cautious as he followed. We came at length to the foot of the descent, and stood together upon the damp ground of the catacombs of the Montressors." That excerpt develops the setting in the eerie catacombs of the Montressors, the way Poe writes the reader can visualize the actual place.

The task of economic policy is to create a prosperous America.?

The task of economic policy is to create a prosperous America. The unfinished task of prosperous Americans is to build a Great Society. Our accomplishments have been many; these tasks remain unfinished: > to achieve full employment without inflation; > to restore external equilibrium and defend the dollar; > to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of our private and public economies; > to widen the benefits of prosperity; > to improve the quality of American life -Lyndon B. Johnson The speech implies that America's prosperity

If your muslim, does your childs name have to be muslim?

Michael (Mikaaiyl) is a muslim name, means who provides nourishments for bodies and souls. He is often depicted as the Archangel of mercy who is responsible for bringing rain and thunder to earth. He is also responsible for the rewards doled out to good persons in this life.

Eastenders:What happened to the ronnie got d storyline?

Roxy and Ronnie haven't really talked since Ronnie revealed Archie d her. She told Danny to tell Roxy that when she was ready to make peace to come to her but Danny lied and said Ronnie wasn't interested in resolving anything. Since then, they haven't really talked about it. I think they will suss out that Danny has lied and make up. He is leaving anyway so they probably realise he's a conman.

My wife has become infatuated with my .?

she can't keep her hands off them .We have been married for a few years .Is this common? When we sit to watch TV or even when we are driving she wants me to unon my pants so she can roll them in her hand. Its not a ual thing ,she just likes rubbing them. It's ok with me but seems odd

On my way to & from the US Emby in Kuwait, a taxi driver from India asked me how he could live & work in US?

In Kuwait on a working visa....looking to come and work in the USA. Are there any organizations/communities in New York I could put him in touch with to ist in his quest?

How can i get my ex back?

my ex is seeing this tart and we still are really good mates and we french kiss when he not going out with anyone but how do do i provent him form going with this girl because she really likes him and he dosent really sy no to girls and he is always say how much he cares about do i secretly know that im still interested

What is the general size of "One size fits most"? hats a one size fits most would fit just about anyone with a 'normal' sized head... if you have a tiny head it probably be too big... if your head is huge it probably won't fit

Hunns, isn't my driver lucky?

Hunns, my driver has the most awful case of food poisoning I have ever seen. He just told me that earlier in the day he even had an accident in his pants. Despite his illness, I think he is very blessed. Three weeks ago I had an accident in my thong and when the police came to the scene I not only got a ticket for reckless driving but for indecent exposure as well. Isn't my driver lucky hunns? He told me that there were some skid marks but that no one was hurt.

Shall I tell my ex-boyfriend's parents that I had his baby?

I would tell them, they are missing out on there grandbaby's life and may end up resenting you for it. Tell them and let them have to option to be in her life....if the father doesnt want to be thats his problem, not theres......PLEASE TELL

Where can i buy inexpensive mesh shorts?

i like champion and adidas, and where can i buy some regular plain fleece shorts that are above the knee, that have solid colors, thanks!

How can i start a group to help poor kids?

i want to start a little group with about 3 girls included my self.i just want to be able to help even 3 or 4 kids per month.and i know it don't cost alot to give one kid even a pencil or a book.when its christmas time i want to help feed the homeless and give out little toys to kikds who is sick.i ive in atl area and im 29 yrs so anyone in this age group who would like to come up with any idea and would like to help me make this group happen i would really appreciate it.its just time to make a change and i know it dont't take much,if we do it from our willing heart and got love for other ppl then we can do it,im not rich i just love to help pls someone lets make this happen.

Where will I find parts for a Beko fridge freezer - Model number FSB 720 FFS?

I am looking for an ice box which slots inside the freezer and a kicker board/plinth (don't know the proper name for this on a fridge but it's the bit that clips all across the bottom of an appliance to cover the bits underneath) for a Beko fridge freezer, model number FSB 720 FFS. It's 6'3" high with 2/3rds fridge and 1/3 freezer at top. Can anyone help??

What did P!nk do to The Veronicas?

I was watching The Veronicas on MTV and they mention something about P!nk- quote "even though she stole on of our songs, we still love her..." so P!nk stole a song from The Veronicas? And if so, how come i couldn't find anything about it on google?

MFS, i guess i have to introduce myself?

MFS, i guess i have to introduce myself. Ok so a lot of people here don't know me, its probably because i don't come to this section anymore ever since it started to get filled with trolls. I go for cruz azul. i'm real and i know most of the people that were here before the trolls like ashley, nacho, chavez, osweet, el mero mero, john. and i'll stop there.

Need advice for broken phone?

My new PDA phone through Sprint broke on Saturday. It was in my bag and I guess too much pressure was put on it and now the screen is scrambled (only a series of lines on the display). There are radial marks where the pressure point was. I added insurance that day from my friend's phone (I've only had the phone for 30 days so they let me add). How long do I have to wait to make a claim without it looking fishy? Will they even replace it for me? Should I lie and say it was stolen?

What is this online game?

Yesterday my little sister showed me a game on mini clip. You are running from a bully to get to a girl, I think her name might be Judy, not sure. Does anyone know what this game is called? It was fairly fun, so I'd like to find it. Thanks!

Can a 14 year old see an MA movie in Australia?

According to the law, under 15s must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian to see a MA15 movie. An older teenager will not be able to buy a ticket for you, and they will probably ask for your ID.

Another crocheting question what does this mean?

It means to start at the bottom right edge of top, then you will chain 5. The chain 5 equals the first double crochet and chain 2. Then you will double crochet between stitches. Right where the two stitches will meet, you will go under where the stitches meet. Try it out and it should make sense.

Why are these Shakespeare lines so significant?

I'm not sure what you are asking...but I guess they are important because it is Juliet asking Romeo to refuse his name, disown his name...because his family and hers are enemies. She is also saying that if he wont, she would. It shows how much Juliet loves Romeo, and how far she is willing to go, to disown the name of be with Romeo.

What's the name of this song ?

It was on a Loreal commercial . I'm not sure which product but I do believe Gwen Stefani was in it . I couldn't really get the words because of the person talking . I'm hoping it was an actual song and not just something for the commercial . All I remember is there was a Hollywood sign towards the end of the commercial . Help me out ! Thanks !

Which one of the following is haram in your opinion.....?

Salam. In my opinion both girls are not good muslimahs She is not allowed to make full make and tight clothes although she is wearing hijab The another girl is not allowed going out without hijab although nothing that attracts attentition.

Whats up with my ?

Hi,I'm 17 years old. I have a 8inch. during s and had 14 or 15 times, thats not the point. When I , its just everywhere, its like an eruption. If I measure it, its like 2 cups of semem. Is that bad?..because I cant control it.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Can bronchitis turn into cancer?

So my mom has had three back surgeries in the past couple years, the last one being in March of this year. It was a huge surgery and is still recovering from it now (end of July). Anyways, her triglycerides after her surgery were 2,300 and the good ones were 23... She has been refered to a lipids doctor and cardiologist to see what is going on. Anyways, she has been a smoker since she was a teenager, about 17 years old, and she is now 46 years old, and she just got diagnosed with bronchitis and possible pneumonia. I guess I'm a little worried about this because I don't want it to turn into lung cancer or anything. Should I be concerned? Is her health at stake?

Any suggestions for a good book series to read?

Try The Wheel of Time series, starting with The Eye of the World. It is excellent epic fantasy and would be a great choice to read. It is 12 (and counting) books long but is absolutely worth it. My favorite book series by far and highly recommended.

Do you agree with Magic Johnson & Michael Wilbon when they said Elgin Baylor is the best player....?

I never witnessed Baylor, but from what I've read in the past he was a very good shooter, rebounder, & per. I guess I can relate to Magic opinion due to his NBA success & accolades, but he had to be one of the worst NBA executives of all time.

Why are Republicans anti-science?

I admit I'm not a science whiz but I have quite a knack for history, and throughout history there have been many climate shifts. Look at the ice age for example. The warmer temperatures are simply another climate shift. The world was cooler from around the fourteenth century until the late nineteenth century. However, the current generation always becomes paranoid and thinks that they are living in the worst of times.

Atlanta Falcons 2009?

we could wen all ov these but imma be 4 real witcha, sweep Tampa and probably NO, ! win wit carolina(at least), Philly we can tear dat *** up, San Fran, c'mon no competition, Chicago good game and we win by like 5 points, NY(both) good *** games, well exept the Jets, Dallas ohh thats tuff, and Miami, beat dat *** too, NE, like a super bowl game

Need a beginner guitar - help?

ibanez is a good guitar, but it sounds like an ibanez. not that thats a bad thing, but it wont get you the tone to sound like most of the bands you listen to. if you can spend a little more $$$ i would go with an epiphone les paul. just as good as a gibson without the name. or for a slightly cheaper option, check out schecter artist series. you can get a wider range of tones out of either of these. again, there is nothing wrong with the ibanez but its all about the tone!

Should Arsenal sell Adebayor and Hleb?

Helb is replacable for sure. I agree with you about adebayor being greedy too. With Van persie coming back into fitness he shouldn't be the first choice striker anymore. lose them both especially if they dont want to be there!

What are the advantages of being a short human being?

Are there any? It's a widespread want to grow tall for the most part for cosmetic reasons as well as functional reasons.

Can u translate this result?

Your results are absolutely NORMAL. Relax. If a mammogram was warranted, they would have ordered one. Ultrasound can tell the difference between a fibrocystic fat m and a m that needs further testing. Continue with self exams, and if this area changes see your physician for another exam. A lot of women have lumpy fibrocystic . Your results mean just what it states, no mes, distortions seen or anything out of the norm. Stop worrying, you are fine.

Physics Homework Help...?

A physical pendulum consists of a meter stick that is pivoted at a small hole drilled through the stick a distance d from the 50 cm mark. The period of oscillation is 3.2 s. Find d.

The History & Future of Professional Wrestling (LONG Question) ?

Retirements, less fans i think. You will be in the business since you are the future of pro wrestling.

Poll: is global warming a hoax?

When a scientific issue becomes politically charged, evidence no longer matters. And the Gore hitchhiker doesn't help.

Please revise hte short paragraph plz its urgent?

During the medieval era, people believed in the Great Chain of Being, the idea that rulers are appointed by God, and through their authority the will of God was carried out. To kill a ruler is to attack God. Macbeth's treachery is a metaphor for man's fall from grace. Attempting in darkness to conceal his actions is similar to our primordial Adam's covering his nakedness with a fig leaf. While Macbeth plans to commit unforgivable crime in his castle, King Duncan chooses to visit his castle because he thinks he is under God's protection and Macbeth is loyal to Duncan. However, after murdering King Duncan, Macbeth disturbs the Great Chain of Being, which causes more tragedy. He kills Banquo to maintain his kingship, witnesses Banquo's ghost, and is eventually murdered. In this way, King Duncan proves his absolute power even after death.

Why do so many people confuse the word 'species' with the word 'race'?

Any job that involves the word Race is a winner have you been up all night digesting books by any chance lol

Trying to delete items in Vista?

can anyone tell me if it is possible to delete a file from prog. files in Vista Home Premium,i am not talking about the system files,but a file that i downloaded and only had one choice,that was save,unfortunately it did not respond so i was told to delete and reinstall but i find this impossible. any help appreciated. bronco.

George Saint Pierre or Anderson Silva, best pound for pound fighter and why?

I would have to give the edge to George Saint Pierre but it's a tough one. Without question I believe George Saint Pierre has the most discipline and understanding of MMA, he always uses his head in a fight and has world renown trainers on his side that give him excellent advice unlike many other trainers during the fight. I can't wait to see GSP move up to welterweight somewhere in the near future (maybe a year?) and have a title fight against Silva. That is the best possible match up IN THE WORLD. At least in my opinion, but let's hear yours!

Am I hitting menopause? I'm 36, I've noticed alot of cloudy discharge when I stand up around ovulating time.

The last 2 months has been when it started, I don't have my tubes tied I can still get prego. I have 4 boys. It is very uncomfortable because every time I get up it feels like my water breaking! There is no smell or anything like that. Has anyone experienced this before. Please help. :(

We are trying to think of new ideas for our yearbook....can you please help us with some new ides.?

Use a magazine format. Set up the clubs and organizations pages as if they were ads, and the major events of the year like articles. It could be a way fun way to play with overhauling the entire format!

B.S. in Geographic Information Systems or Biology?

I'm taking my first biology cl this semester and there's an insane amount of coursework I have to do. After checking online, I saw that the average salary for a biologist with a B.S. is about $30,000/ yr; I thought for sure it would be more. I don't even find the cl that interesting. I am thinking about changing my major to Geographic Information Systems. Is the pay any better? With emerging technology, how would the job outlook be in the future?

Can anyone here translate Japanese to English?

The site below can help. I know a little Japanese but no where near enough kanji to read this. It says Sept 9th on the top, I know that much.

94 Astro van 40 to 55 psi fuel pressure will not start unless gas is added toair duct will run till turned off

have changed fuel pump,filter,relay,dis.cap,rotor,plugs,co… sen.iac valve,fuel meter body,poppet nozzals,fuel pressure regulator,(spider unit)intake manifold tuning valve,powertrain control module,I have no leaks,35 to 45 psi.oil pressure.I can add gas into the air duct to get it to start and it will run for sometime(15to20mins.)and I'll cut it off,if I start it back right then it will start right up,but if I let it set for more than 20 to 30 secs.,it want start back unless I add gas into the air duct again

Government health-care ads depicting shorter waits for surgery in Saskatchewan.?

I feel bad for her but the government is not going to rush some one over 60 into surgery when there are younger people in need of care. They consider it a waste of limited resources to spend money on older patients.........

Distance, rate, time math problem. Help!?

A helicopter leaves the airport and flies north at 180 miles per hour. 20 minutes later, a plane leaves the airport and follows the helicopter at 300 miles per hour. How long does it take the plane to overtake the helicopter?

Female Co-worker Of Mine?

Ooooook listen carefully if she hasnt replied to your txt it probley mean she is trying to get time to her self you say she just came out of a serious relationship she is probley scared of being commented or hurt again...but you are opening up some doors:) and tomarrow dont go up to her you should be able to tell if she want to talk by her body language..if she comes up to you have the time of your life..just dont force anything...

Rasmussen polls: What do you make of this?

You have to look at history of polling and that states that Rasmussen is far and away the most accurate poll in the world like it or not it in print

Which pair of fringe boots?

3rd one is my choice if you are in high school or younger because they look the most mature without being over the top

In a electron microscope what kind of organelles can you see?

Is it Plasma membrane, cell wall, nucleus, chloroplast,mitochondria,vacuole, Golgi apparatus, peroxisome,lysosome,endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, flagella, cilia

Is it better to play the lotto ?

Is it a good idea to play the Lotto b/c you can't win if you don't play?.. or is it better to not waste your money b/c the chances are too ridiculous?

Is it weird that my non-white grandparents want the British Empire to be restored to full size?

My grandparents are of Oriental extraction but grew up as lower-middle cl shopowners in the British West Indies. They said the British Empire gave them a higher quality of life than not. Shops were full of British goods, roads were maintained, law and order was routine. Many people have told me that most people who want the British Empire to continue are white British and/or of the higher/elite cl. But obviously my grandparents aren't. They moved from the British West Indies when their island, Trinidad, achieved independence. They said that they refused to live in an independent nation since only Britain knew how to govern the country properly, and that it goes for all countries: That European imperialism is the only driving force to achieve stability and prosperity in the world, not independence. They are approaching their 90s and are still fiercely loyal to the Crown.

Vaillant TURBOmax VUW 242E/282E Hot Water Problem?

Faulty hot water microswitch on the diverter valve or problem with the diverter valve itself. The microswitch is cheap and easy to change. The valve could have a faulty diaphragm or broken armature [made of plastic and prone to breaking on this model]. It is best to replace the valve complete as their a pig to work on and if your paying someone its quicker to do so less labour costs.

How can I become a moderator for a freecycle group?

I would like to start a freecycle group or be a moderator on one. Could someone tell me how to do this.

Where to go travelling in August?

if you would like to stay in the U.S Blue Bay Montana is very beautiful in the summer,but if you want to go some where in Europe ,Bulgaria is a magnificent place to visit during August ,there is no snow in during that month.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

If the chosen people were at fault because they failed to abide by the Old Covenant then why.................?

To start with, the replacing was done by a group who wanted nothing to do with the covenant. You are right that there is nothing wrong with the "old one", it still stands. If one is willing to give up brother and sister, mother and father, habits and selfish wants in trade for the way to righteousness there is much waiting for them. It really wasn't an issue of blame or something being wrong. The chosen people were told from the start that it would be nearly impossible, they said they could do it. They were warned again and again that they were not going to make it, and told when they were slipping as well as given many many opportunities to come back when they had utterly failed. Those options are still there also. The fact of the matter is that when people got so far from the plan that they had no idea what to do anymore, confusion set in and the entire story was rewritten.

What should I expect at my colonoscopy?

I'm having a colonoscopy next week and I'm scared. I've had conscious sedation before (they said they're giving me an IV which I've had non-IV consious sedation and I fell asleep so I'm uming that's a good sign) and I don't remember a thing. I don't want it to hurt--during or after. I HAVE to have it. My brother had polyps removed at 16, my grandfather had one every year to have polyps removed, and both of his sisters had colon cancer so it's important that I have this done (I'm going to be 30 on Thursday). I have trauma issues so I'm really scared. My psych doc said she would sedate before hand and I think I might do this. What should I expect? They didn't give me much info except for a brochure. Thanks ahead of time.

Why is it that only the nazis are the only ones that want to use force or interfere in Libya's affairs?

The Nazi Alliance for Total Oppression other wise knows as N.A.T.O and the other nazis the u.s seem to be the only group of countrys that want to interfere in Libya's affiars.Even Libya's neighbours don't care to interfere in thier affairs. Is it cos N.A.T.O and nazi u.s are white and given thier present and past historys of killing non-white people in thier tens of millions they can again go and kill more non whites just to grab the countrys naturel resources .If you look at the nazi U.S history of killing non-white peoples in thier tens of millions starting with the native indians,the black slaves,japanese, koreans,vitnamese,south americans,africans,iranians, iraqis, afghanis and Europes past imperial nazi colonial rule of countrys around the world, it wouldn't take a genius that the Nazi imperialsts are at it again to grab libyas oil.Don't you think it is time for non-white countries to arms them selves to the teeth to protect themselves from present and future nazi imperialsts?

What would you do if you lived my life?

i'm 24. i feel as if the last 2 years i have been treading in deep water. let me start at the beginning. after 5 1/2 years and many "break-ups" in between, my ex and i broke up. he was the first man that i ever loved, ever kissed, ever wanted to be around forever. i loved him with all of my heart, but as any young girl may do, felt the need to see if she was more compatible with someone else. his brother's best friend, a friend of his as well, named "c" had always hung around. i knew there was something about him, so i ended up developing feelings for him. if you take me and turn me into a boy, you pretty much had "c". in the mist of confusion and break-up heartache from the first boyfriend, i ended up getting really nervous once "c" kissed me. i knew deep in my heart that i wanted him and i should be with him, but i was young and stupid. i stopped talking to him for a month. once i realized what i had done, i tried to contact him with a sincere explanation of how stupid i had done. i had one of my friends deliever his favorite icecream to his house, with a nice note on the top saying "it's a rocky road to forgiveness, but i hope this can be a start", but all i found out from that is he wanted to put a restraining order on me for bringing over icecream since he was afraid i would start looking in his windows... i would never do that, i was just trying to be nice. after months of no talking he finally contact my first ex, claiming he wanted to speak to us both. "c" seemed to forgive me, and i thought he would give me another chance. i explained to him how much i cared about him, how i knew he was the one for me, how perfect i thought we would be together. he said he knew but needed time to reflect on everything. a rumor about me making out with people got spread around shortly after and "c, for some reason, believed it. he stopped talking to me a year and one month ago. i tried to contact him a few times, but only ever received one text back saying "don't text me". i wish i knew why this all happened. i have tried to get him off of my mind, but for some reason i can't. i have tried dating other guys, but they just keep letting me down, disappearing, claiming they're interested in me but then going off to kiss another girl. like for instance, this one boy i met when i lived in another state for a few months just moved close to my town. he said he was interested in me. i told him i wanted to get to know him better before dating but we could definitely hang out to see if things may end up clicking. on the way to my state, on the night he was supposed to arrive to attend an event with me at my work, he never answered his phone. Thirty minutes before the event began he called claiming he had lost all of his things in Georgia and had just found them. Yesterday when we were hanging out, he claimed that he had met up with an old "girl" friend in Georgia and she kissed him twice and had he legs on him, and probably would have had with her if she hadn't been so vulnerable from her break-up with her husband. i'm just so confused. i pray everyday that "c" will gain the stregthen to come back and forgive me, or if that's not meant to be, i will be able to forget him. i pray to meet a good guy, but where? i'm quiet, i work with all girls who don't know any young guys, i don't go out many places and if i were, i wouldn't even know where to look. i've tried looking online, but only have found guys that are after , something that i am holding onto until marriage. i have considered joining a church, but am too shy to attend. i wish there was a way to get "c" to talk to me, or for me to find a great guy.

Magic Card Deck Help? (Control... or something.)?

Well, to point out, most of your cards aren't legal in type 2 anymore. If you want lists for good type 2 decks, look up a deck called Quick n Toast.

What is his problem/motive? Is he trying to call attention to me?

UGGHHH I hate guys like that, I guess you just got to give him the cold shoulder and he will leave you alone, I worked about 3 similar jobs like that and well the 1st one I didn't do or say anything because I was young and didn't really mind the attention until the sick cornered me and stuck his hand up my shirt when I had to scream to get away! Then I had a painting job and the shift supervisor would always follow me outside and smoke with me even when I would go to the bathroom he would be there waiting for me to come out, it freaked me out, well I didn't want to piss him off so I just gave him the cold shoulder and wouldn't talk to him and he left me alone after that, this is the best thing to do you say your a lot younger then you need to stay away from him, and if he don't stop then you need to straight up tell him hey dude I'm not into you so back off!

Pci sys-address f75de0bf base at f75d7000,datestamp 3b7d855c?

ok i am buildiing a new computer and this is the code i am getting i have windows xp sp1 all componetns are new .pci sys-address f75de0bf base at f75d7000,datestamp 3b7d855c does anyone know ??

Why can a cell membrane be seen with an electron microscope but not an optical one?

Is it just because an electron microscope has better resolution or is it because through electron microscope you see a cross section of cell etc, or some other reason?

Evoloution VS Creationism?

i'm an evolutionist. i'm sorry, but i simply can't believe it. religion was just a way for humans to explain what they couldn't. i don't believe there's a god. humans are all part of nature. we do not rule the world, we do not own the world, we're part of it. we're just another animal. the only difference between us and the other animals is that we have a higher brain function and problem solving skills. a lot of people try to argue and say "you're just a closed-minded scientist type." what makes more sense? some mysterious person (which, by the way, where the heck is he? WHAT the heck is he?) made people and the rest of the world evolved? or that everything just happened? who's being more close-minded? the person who shuts their eyes and says "well i can't explain it so there must be a higher power" or the one who can accept that we are just part of the world like everything else? and please no one get angry, i'm not trying to be offensive. you have the right to your opinion just as much as i have a right to mine.

My towels smell.HELP?

Okay, i figured it was the laundry det. so i changed it. no change.Everytime i wash towels they smell great coming out of the washer but as soon as i take them out of the dryer they smell kinda moldy. Well we ended up just buying some new w/d (front loaders) and they still do the same thing. And keep in mind its only the towels that smell.Even my new ones. What can i do?

How much french would this make me?

ok so far ive learned that you can not tell your descents from facial features. i learned that from people yelling at me. exuse me if im kind if gullible, geez. ok well i did some research and ive learned a lot. ok i found out that my great great grandma is from france and her maiden name was bouvier, and yes, im related to jacqueline bouvier kennedy. her dad is my great great grandmas cousin. so how much french does that make me? and what is jacquelines dad to me like 3rd cousin or something? thanks (:

Is the "office powerpath" or other person with narcissistic personality disorder, an ordinary person,?

I believe that the quality of the work is judged by those on the recieving ends and benefitting from said work. Also I always there are those who follow what I call the "power propaganda". The concept that one has to actively seek and covet power in the hopes of being revered. I do believe that more severe cases can lead to narcisstic personality disorder but there are those who can act within normal limits.

I am a malaysian ,i like 2 see african but ,i am fear that they will hate me because i cant speak good english?

i feel very sad when i heared that malaysian treat african badly,guys pls forgive malaysian for what they had done in the past.

Who is the best keeper option?

Liriano. He's on a better team than Hernandez and also has a few stellar seasons already, injury is the only concern. Hernandez hasn't quite turned the corner to elite status yet and he's also on a lousy team. Volquez is due for a big decline from last season.

Christians, do you think Hugh Heffner has a place in Heaven?

Just curious . He seems like a cool enough guy but he owns Playboy magazine and has all those lovely women live with him. I'm not sure if he has intimate relations with all of them, but I'm wondering where a guy like him would go when his time came around to face God.

Is this the countdown to World War 3?

China and Russia are not playing big parts in this at all. All the countries that are out of hand can easily be crushed by the U.S. and Israel.

Recruiter told me to lie So I Did, Regret it and still want to serve?

Don't lie. I speak from experience--all though mine is a little different. I had to see a counselor because of my major in college (psychology) well I too answered "Have you been to see a counselor" with a no. under advisement of my recruiter this question only was referring to seeing one because of issues, etc. That made sense to me, I mean after all anyone who goes ot public and some private highschools sees a guidance counselor. The counselor I spoke with during college was a career counselor. Long story short about half way through basic another recruit and myself were talking and the above was mentioned. Someone overheard us and reported us to our RDC's that we lied on application. My dream was ripped out from under me. now here I am trying for a second time to get my re-4 code changed (I know I know only about 30% accomplis this, its worth a shot). So my advice if you do stay with your answer keep your lips sealed during basic--if you can change it before then you might consider it. REally its up to you--do what your heart tells you to do.

Signs your marriage is doomed?

Not as good/bad as yours, gurlfriend, but, my marriage was done righted by a one, Pastor Bob. This is a true story...18 years ago, I married a young and beautiful Swedish girl named 'Vivi'. I was 25, she was 20 and smokin hot. Her middle name was Virginia, I swear. Vivi Virginia...anyone up snuff on what Roman numbers VIVIVI stand for? Yeh, 666...3 kids, 3 men later, nobody has put a stake in her heart yet. I married/divorced the devils daughter and been raising our son since he was 2. He's a good kid though, victem of cirstance

How long until the Snuggie phenomenon hits cult status?

am I the only one who thinks those backwards robes look like something some cult would wear on their way to the spaceship?

What should I do?? I have a crush on him for two years..?

you kinda have to sabotage him from his girl freind say bad stuff about her but dont make it obvious thoe some guys will dump there firl freind if they know some one hotter then his likes him just tell him and be like dont let this get in betweeen our freinds ship but i realy like you

I need help! My little boy is sick and?

Congested really bad. I just bought a humidifier. The other day I asked and people told me to buy a vaporizer, or a cool mist humidifier. I called my Dr and shouldn't use the vaporizer because of the medicine and Im pregnant. When I went to buy the humidifier, the warm mist one said it was for cold and flu symptoms. I bought the cool mist one because that's what everyone one here said, but my husband thinks I should have got the warm one... So, what should I do? Its winter here... Is a cool one better? Why?

Countdown vowels and consonant's?

On countdown the rules are they have to have 3 vowels and 3 consonant's so why don't they just put them up on the board without asking the contestants as they have to have them anyway?

How do I tell him to leave me alone without hurting his feelings?

I think you've given him enough chances. Just be blunt and tell him you're not interested as you are already in a relationship. If he doesnt get the hint then block his number and delete him on facebook etc.

Canadian Taxes on US LLC income?

I am a Canadian resident who owns a share of a US based LLC. The US LLC is using pas-thru taxation. It is my understanding that in the US there are no taxes paid in the US until the adjusted tax basis (ie initial investment) is paid out. My question is, in Canada how will I be taxed. Can I get my initial investment out before I start paying taxes (similar to the US).

How come you can get songs to come up in your personal message on msn with ares but not limewire?

it is because msn messenger is partnered with windows media player, because microsoft makes them both, but you can use winamp, and install a driver for it to work, but i dont think you cna for lime wire

Hair for senior prom?

I think you shoulod just take a pretty small barret and take your bangs and pull them back to the side and youll be good to go, plus make sure you wear earrings if your not gonna wear a necklace and youll be good to go(: have fun at your prom!

Is EGR 120 (introduction to engineering) at Nova equivalent to ENGE 1024 at va tech?

I am going to attend tech fall of 09 as a university studies student but i want to transfer to the school of engineering. I know that there are prerequisites and ENGE 1024 is the only one that i cant take while being in University studies so i plan to take it over the summer at Nova but I dont know if the courses are the same. at nova , the only cl i found was Introduction to engineering but the cl at tech is called Engineering Exploration. Anyone know if EGR 120 at Nova is the same? THANK YOU!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I have a crazy question about Billy Goats?

Goats are *******! they can be fun and funny and they love to mess with people. But this is no wild animal, they've been domesticated for thousands of years. So your not confronting a vicious creature. take a stick with you next time. Totally ignore him, but if he gets too curious whack him. Just don't hit him in the head because he'll want to play head with you. Hit him on the side or leg, sure it's mean, but who care's, It's a freaking goat! If you end up making friends with him, don't pet the head, again that will make him want to heads. And don't let him get behind you when your bending over. no joke

I live near desu colonyopp gur mandi delhi.a white dog came 2 my house few days back. was friendly perhaps pet

but my mom is not ok wd dogs so she forced daddy 2 get rid of it.he perhaps left it at backside of DESU colony bcoz people were saying he cd have come frm there.since then i m worried about it.please anybdy frm dESU tell me if they hav seen it? please

So, he pulled another DISAPPEARING act? hmmm?

well next time he contacts you, why dont you ask him why he disappeared and why he didnt keep in touch? if he gives a good explanation, then thats your answer. if he just says i was "busy", then maybe this guy just isnt sure what he wants. but if he says he loves you/wanted to marry you, i would think hes pretty interested! my question is, if you arent attracted to him, but think hes "nice and he'll do fine" - then you are going for him for the wrong reasons. you want him because you just want anybody to date, and since hes giving you compliments and attention, you figure he would do fine, even though youre not that into him. i would say try and meet somebody new. try internet dating if you are busy and dont have much free time. find someone who you cant get your mind off, and who you think is very attractive. you WANT the erflies in the relationship. if you just date him, to date him, eventually you'll be bored and will want to break up/cheat. dont be scared to be alone. remember your happiness does not depend on another person. its better to be lonely and single, than with someone you arent that into. go out, socialize, meet new people, or try internet dating (you'll have at least 5 dates a week), and leave fat disappearing boy to disappear for good, hes not the one you want anyway

Does this sound like a good idea?

It's a good idea. One thing that you never want to do is bore the students. You need to be creative and smart, that's what English is all about. You are definitely thinking outside the box. You will get a good grade.

Flexibility training-how to gain flexibilty?

I agree with that first answer but I would say for it to really be effective, hold them for 30-45 seconds. And remember that you need to stretch ALL your muscles so there isn't any imbalance in your flexibility that could cause any injuries. Also, unlike lifting weights or running, it isn't really an intense type of exercise, keep in mind that you can stretch every day of the week.

Is this yyugioh deck worth it?

no way it wouldnt stand a chance in a turny...but if all the cards were at the highest rarety and your had some good misprints AND you could find a noob to buy it for 200$ AND thats including tax then.....Maybe. but otherwise no dice...

Is there any hope for Veronica Mars?

Ok, so VR is officially cancelled, the CW did not put it on its Fall Lineup. But maybe they can pull a "7th Heaven" and bring it back at the last second. CW is pretty much losing all its core shows.

A few questions regarding style. Help?

Well the first two outfits were ok....... There a little not your age because your 17 they just look a little too office i would were something more puck and rocked out. Maybe if you make the clothes you Ware a little less like your already 30!

To survive..what would you...?

just about anything. we all have a survival mechanism in our brains. it takes a lot to over ride it. that is why everyone has that point at which they will kill, steal, and hurt to survive. it would take a lot for me to get to that point but it does exist just as it does for everyone. you never know what you will do until you are in that situation. that is why abortion rights, self defense, and unfit for reasons of temporary insanity cases are so hard to figure out. the human mind is so complex and every human is different.

Is this a good trade for th both of us?

I would accept. Randy Moss is way better than Williams and you're not giving much up with Addai. It's basically Moss for Williams. Hurry up and do it!

I ate too many skittles what should i do? details below?

ok so my bffs and i were having a party and i chugged a liter bottle of 7up and i was feeling sick so i sat down and wanted to taste the rainbow since i was already SEEING the colors in front of my eyes. I almost choked on one and then ped out. I'm better now but i keep on having strange visions of penguins speaking to me in victorian accents. Please help i am afraid and my friends and my dear Kingsley Robinson hates me.

Our pet bunny/hare wouldnt eat anything all day.?

my sister and mom said that our bunny hasnt eaten all day. it has been very week and it is very hungry. it wouldnt eat any of his food. it will just drink water. what should i do? i cant see its teeth because it freaks out and my mom refuses to take it to the vet. i feel bad that its feeling this way and it might die. it has also been sneezing since it got here. help :(

He pees everywhere but the toilet ?

i babysit this boy who is 5 years old and he seems to pee everywhere but the toilet for example he has peed in his brothers shoes his brothers pj drawer the garbage a toy pan and others i cant even remember what can i do to get him to stop and why is he doing this?

I am making videos on my computer how do i edit them?

so i am making videos on my computer and ,im wanting to put them on the internet, is All iwant to know is what software do i need to get. prefrebly downloads that work i am only young so i dont whant to pay . please do NOT suggest adobe after effects, but something like that would be fine .

Should i dump my girlfriend?

my girlfriend wrote on her myspace status saying 'thinking of that person like crazy" oj i ume shes talking bout me but if she really loved me she would write something like "thinking of my boo like crazy" or somethin like that" so what do u think

To anyone who had a younger toddler when they had their second child?

I am so excited to have my new baby and even though I'm only 34 weeks, it's all I can think about. I also have a 22 month old who I stay at home with. Everytime I think about when I have the baby, I get really excited but I feel like the thought is tainted with stress about how my son will be without me while I'm in the hospital. He is pretty attached to me and my husband and he stays with a baby sitter once a week, so I know that he is alright without us for a little while, but I can't help but think I'll be worried about him while I'm having the baby. I think the main concern is that I don't know what time of day I'll be having the baby, and no one else has ever put him to bed besides me (not even really my husband). Did anyone else go through these worries? Was everything ok while you were in the hospital?

I am a graphic designer please help to solve my problem? How can i make my own identity or image in market?

hi im looking for someone to design a logo for me would like to know what you can come up with please contact me if your intersted

Does anyone else feel a sense of nostalgia for the glory days of Disney?

Absolutely! Those films bring me back to my childhood days. I actually saw the Little Mermaid on Broadway yesterday and I absolutely loved it. And I jumped on the chance to buy myself a dinglehopper! (its very cute!)

The MLA style for writing..........?

If you adjust the settings under "paragraph" you can make your computer automatically double space...otherwise, hit enter twice at the end of a line or writing.

I have a funny felling in my head kinda like everything is a dream?

ok i was wondering if anyone can help me maybe well it it very hard to describe so here i go. um right now i think i have a sinus infection or a virus but i need to know why my vision is all messed up like everything looks like a dream or noting seems real kinda like im in the twilight zone but i am not so if anyone can help me please try

How can I watch "AFL Game Day CH7 SUN 10am-11am on the internet?

Don't think you can watch it live, but after you should be able to go to yahoo7 and follow the links to tv shows and you probably can watch it there.

Is it me or is rap music gettin worse?

cause like jay-z he suck now and kanye west use to be good like when he did spaceship but it just seems like rap gettin worse only people not gettin worse is wutang caln

A good cheap music downloading site?

i used to be with mp3panda, they had full albums for 50cents a cd but now went to a dollar an albums, also it used to be, if you put in 20buks theyll giv ya 20 buks now dats gone. ne gud sites?????

For Josh this mexico records against Conmebol teams?

Dude, you didn't have to respond this publicly. Just let the USA fans think what they want, leave them alone. Mexican fans know that Mexico is at least a contender for South American teams, you don't have sh*t to prove to anybody. Mexico is always getting bashed, but that doesn't stop Mexico, or Mexican fans for believing Mexico has a great team.

What snowboard is good for me?

Next year I will ride for a vacation on place with snow... and i liked to TRY ride it!!! what snow board will be good for me??? Height: from 1.67 meters to 1.70 meters , weight: from 69 to 73 Kilos. If you don't know what this the meters and kilos... go to an converter... Oh!!! Yes how much cost this snowboard??? For a beginner!!! thanks!!!

Why do some people think farting and burping is funny?

i don't think it is funny un less it is my 2 boston terriers they are knowen for there gas probs and you have to laugh it kinda of gives them there personality's i even made a song for my male his name is mr binker and the song is called mr binker you big fat stinker i will spare you the rest he he he

Shouldn't guns be legal in the UK?

I am a West Ham fan. I am not violent. In fact I am a middle to upper cl individual who speaks very good English and is not abusive in any way.

Question about relaxin?

I'm a little over 3 months pregnant, and IT'S KICKING MY !! It started very early for me (around 4 weeks), and I was just wondering, is it normal for it to affect other parts of your body other than the hips and pelvis? Man, I'm ok as long as I'm up walking around, though my pelvis gets a little sore, but geez, when I try to get up after sitting down, or up and down stairs, it's killer. I have 6 more months to go! Is there any way to make it better?? Maybe it will calm down after I get into the second trimester?

How to convert M4A to MP3 or other compressed music file?

I had all my cds converted to high quality m4a files. I want to compress them or convert them to MP3 so i can fit more songs on my Ipod. Anyone know of a program that can do that simply? freeware is best but will pay for it if no other option

When exactly did the corporatocracy overtake the American democracy?

When government becomes too large and easily corruptible. Corporatocracy cannot happen if the government does not allow business to influence federal decisions. However this becomes inevitable when government oversteps it's constitutional boundaries.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Can anyone proofread this short essay for me, its a real quick read...thanks!?What would you like to ask?

During my freshman year, I decided to join the track and field team. Mostly because I wanted to stay in shape. A few days into the season, I realized that sprinting wasn’t for me. Running mindlessly around the track only made my shins feel like they were going to crack. But I trudged on and managed to survive the season. After the season I swore I would never run track again. However, I eventually stumbled across several YouTube videos that featured a man manipulating a fibergl cylinder in such a manner that immense potential kinetic energy was built up. This action lifted the person off the ground, launched him through the air, and over a horizontal bar. After a few more of these videos, I had an epiphany: I wanted very badly to try pole vaulting. So I did. The next spring I joined the track team again, but this time I was running down a runway with a thirteen foot fibergl pole in my hands. Before long I was making improvements every day, and I loved every second of it. I simply loved pole vaulting because of the thrill, the laid-back atmosphere at practice craderie on the team, and the fact that I was good at it. I often found myself checking the weather on the internet during study hall, praying that any rain would “miss” the high school because rain-soaked and slippery poles do not bode well for any pole-vaulter. It has been roughly two years since that first time I pole vaulted, and I have benefited a lot since. Aside from the healthy abs I developed through the workouts, I also added much needed thrill to my life. I made many friends and lastly, I satisfied a desire for athletic success, thereby increasing my self-confidence.


I have been diagnosed with mild endrometrsois this month and im only 20 years old. Me and my long term partner are ttc we had unprotected last night and the doctor said im ovulation from the 19 onwards. if i am pregnant i am due my periods the 2nd of August would i miss my periods then or would it be the next time. also i have a congested bladder would that effect the baby if were pregnant. thanks for you time and answers xox :)

Why do Atheists always compare God to Santa Claus?

No. There was no Santa Clause. There was a St. Nicholas..... the person Santa Clause is roughly based on, but no, there is not a fat man in a red jumpsuit with a big beard who laughs "ho ho ho" and has flying reindeer and lives in the north pole with elves. And there is no bearded man in they sky who created everything including evil for no reason except for to entertain his narcissistic needs.

HLp pls!!!?

Depends on whether your project is ON science or a scientific project. Why not call it by the subject of your investigation?

My self is getting beat from volleyball, just a few health ?'s...?

It is going to take for ever to clear up that list of injuries. But if you are real serious read and apply a href="" rel="nofollow"

Who is aware that planned parenthood has its origin in Eugenics ? Planned parenthood used to be Eugenics?

Eugenics was more common than anyone would like to admit, and negative eugenics still exist somewhat to this day (some studies have shown that birth control clinics in low-income areas generally push the IUD or those arm implant thingies over the pill). Just because one founder of Planned Parenthood believed in eugenics, doesn't mean that the idea of female bodily autonomy is necessarily based in eugenics.

How long does it take to get over a heartache/breakup? :(?

it's been 4 months since my ex broke up with me... he has a girlfriend and has been through basic training and seems to be doing great and i'm still left broken hearted and finding a hard time to get on with my own life

Do you find "leonardo Dicaprio" or "Tom cruise" to be the "better actor"?

Leonardo Dicaprio for sure. Tom cruise is really just a big name, who had a lot of high profile roles. Sure, leo got his big break as a romantic interests in movies like Romeo and Juliet and Titanic but he really blossomed later in stuff like the departed. He's also making a twilight zone movie through his production company. A person isn't going to make something like that with cash from his own pocket if he doesn't care about his craft. The last thing Tom cruise did is make a cameo in Tropic Thunder...i'll let you be the judge.

I don't even want to see him, what do I do?

Get a body guard! jk Mail it to him? You know, you don't have to go. Psh I wouldn't. Just get a restraining order. Why don't you want to? You could go with your dad or mom or something. Or you friend. I'm not really sure what you should do but he's getting all this power from this that he doesn't deserve. Hope I helped. :)

How do i make ethanol????

ok ive heard that you can make ethanol from just about any plant as long as it contains sugar(correct me if i heard wrong). So im thinking about making ethanol from corn, sugar cane, and gr for a school project but i have no clue how to make ethanol please give me answers!

Breaking dawn filming....?

It is my understanding that filming for the movies is to begin in the fall of this year. Going with that knowledge, how are people coming up with pictures and scenes or trailers for the movie? Some are fake for sure. I saw one that had parts from The Covenant and Underworld. true fans would see through these. Some of them seem pretty real though.

How can I be like Edgar Allen Poe?

I love Edgar Allen Poe (not in that way,I'm a guy,I'm straight),and I want to be more like him,any suggestions?

Need help with a general statement for my Macbeth essay?

It is difficult to hold Macbeth solely responsible for his actions. Then talk about the witches some, then lead into the gig about Lady Un-Me-Here.

I want a really good Pocket PC or palm pilot.?

What I want is a really good pocket PC or palm pilot. I don't want a Palm pilot because they don't have wi-fi capabilities. I also don't want a PDA like a phone. I want something that is nice and high tech and is NOT A PHONE! I need something that will help me keep all of my things in order. Thanks

What do these symptoms mean?

The cramps and mood swings are unrelated. The rest sounds like arthritis - may or may not be RA since there are 200 kinds of arthritis.

UuuuuuuHHHHHH aggie??

Okay i was at cheer camp over the weekend and like one of the teams had a mascot that was an aggie!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!

Waylon Jennings or Kris Kristofferson?

Too bad we can't pick both but your question asks us to make a choice. I have to choose Waylon"Watasha" Jennings. He was an original who told Nashville that he would do it his way and damn if he didn't and I am so glad that he did. Waylon was a good writer as well. Kris is a fairly decent singer but he just doesn't do it as well as Waylon did. Kris is also a pretty good actor. RIP Waylon

Best asian beaches in june?

So I am planning a honeymoon to asia for june 2011. I want to go to Phi Phi, but i'm scared about all this monsoon season talk and about bad weather (rain, high humidity, unenjoyably hot). But I was wondering what beaches in south east asia would be great for a few nights (4-6). My fiancee and I aren't old, we are in our mid twenties, so we want to be abel to party it up A LITTLE. I don't need cancun spring break style partying, but I don't like the maldives because , well, it seems boring. So where can I get beautiful weather, and a decent nightlife, but not girls gone wild? oh, and of course, what asia is known for, decent prices...

Free advanced photo editors online?

I want to be able to do something like this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a :D help?!

What's this movie called? It's a horror film.?

Basically, you get a call and when it rings it has a lullaby-weird haunted song on it. From the point you receive the call you have a certain amount of time to live. In the end some people find out where the calls are coming from - a abandoned hospital that was burned down a while ago. Oh, and I remember a red marble coming out of the person's mouth of whom was dieing at the moment. Thank you.

What all men want to know?

Just..Talk to them,be nice,be yourself,if she talks you back your in,talk , be friends,ask for her number, leave. If you call and its her , you have a new friend/girlfriend. If its the rejection hot line,then she did not want to meet you. If you are yourself,you should be fine.

What city? name of the victim? backgroung of the victim? who killed the person?

In 1975 francisco franco (dictator of spain) died of natural causes ending his faseist dictatorship forever. prior ti this in 1973 a chaotic event took place. there was an asination of a vip.

How is this for a custom computer build?

Looks good. I might consider an ATI Radeon 4890 over the 5770 if the benchmarks are better. the xtra direct x support is not worth it. I would aslo beef up your PSU to about a 750w you can get one at a deal somewhere. Check or

General Chemistry, Advanced?

At what pH will FeS begin to precipitate if the Fe2+ ion concentration is .1M and the H2S concentration is .01M? The ksp is 4.9*10^-18

Can someone do me a BIG FAVOR?

I am going to Ecuador and am not gonna be able to listen to Z100's Top 100 of 2007. The event I was waiting all year for. SO..... can someone who listens to Z100 (WHTZ in NYC) please record the entire countdown, the time where they talk about the artist before they announce what #, and record all the songs in it's length. (You can exclude commericals) Then can someone please post it on YouTube or pm it to me? THANK U!

White females boxer, about 10 months old- still no heat?

I recently got a white female boxer from a relative of my boyfriend. She was malnourished and had been treated badly, and i am trying to get her healthy. She still has not had her first heat, and is about 10 months old. The vet told her previous owners that she may not have one until about a year old. I was just wondering, since most of these dogs start at about 8 months, if her health could be a cause as to why, or is she is just a late bloomer? We would like to breed her, and will be visiting the vet prior to any of that, but I am a little wary of doing it at all if there is a chance it could endanger her health. Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?

Worried, running out of options!?

Im 18, and my roommate is 19, and we always go on hikes when we can, well I wasn't able to go today so she went by herself. She left around 2 and said she will be back by 6 ( thats are normal times we hike) and she isn't back yet and its DARK! Im actually really worried! I called her and her phone is off, I called my parents and they said to just wait, that she must of went somewhere, I drove to the appalation entrance where we start and her car is still parked there? To early for cops, it hasnt been a day, gaaah im freaking?!

If u play football this will be funny well even if u just watch?

we won our game yesterday 28-6 but anyway this is what happen we were on kick return and they kicked and the ball landed so coach yelled poision which is to stay away from the ball and so our guys start backing up and then the other team were just walking to it now cause they heard my coach yell poision and while they are walkin all of sudden our quaterback he is on special teams to comes in gets the ball and runs it for the touchdown it was so funny lol

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Song suggestions for a Toonami Farewell/Tribute video?

as you may know, Toonami ended a few days ago, September 20, 2008. I want to make a tribute video for it, and I want to see if you guys have any songs in mind that would be appropriate for a Toonami video. Thanks!

Which statement about the daughter cells of mitosis is correct?

c is the correct answer. Mitosis produces genetically identical cells whereas meiosis produces variation.

How soon is too soon?

Okay so Im just starting to get out of a really really bad marriage filled with betrayal, infidelity, and lying. To make a long story short my husband (soon 2 b ex) is in the Army, I've caught him cheating with a co worker (I turned them both in) and with a stripper, etc ,etc. Now Im at the point where Im starting to go out and enjoy myself (like he has been doing) and I just want to know how soon is too soon to start officially dating? Also, I ended up having to put a restraining order against hime because he was doing stupid stuff like breaking off the key in my lock so that the children and I couldnt get in the house. I have some info on him that could get him taken from E5 to E1 in A HEARTBEAT! Should I do it? Or should I just let kharma wear him down?

Drumline cadence help!?

we need a new cadence. my line and i want to play destruction from morris brown college. if anyone knows where i can get the sheet music for this cadence it would be greatly apperciated and it would help a lot. can some one please email the sheet music to me or send a link or something please. we really need this cadence. thanks for all of your help!

Is it really that difficult to move a toilet?

I need to move the toilet in the bathroom before I decorate as it is in a really silly position next to the bath. I only want to move it 6ft to the other end of the room along the back wall (where it the soil pipe appears to be)? Many thanks in anticipation

Just out of curiosity what job is more dangerous (USAF) Ariel gunner or Security forces and if so why?

Just out of curiosity what job is more dangerous (USAF) Ariel gunner or Security forces and if so why


i think its not fair that cops can speed or use their cell phones while driving. they always get away with everything. its not fair.

Whos the best wreslter alive?

coices are bret hit man hart hhh hbk undertaker sting kurt angle brock lenser goldberg kane rvd stone cold the rock hulk hogan y2j randy savage lex luger kevin nash booker t big show mankind catus jack phsycho sid dusty rhode ric flair ultimate warrior edge christian hardys dougleys rey john cena batista khail mvp mr kennedy america bad @ss[undertaker old gimmick] hbk heel hhh heel y2j heel kurt angle heel kane masked scott hall razor ramon rhino aj styles x pac jake the snake vader big boss man ken shamrock apa(jbl and ron simmons) if u could do 1 to 51

Am I having anxiety attacks? Please help!!?

It's definately anxiety. You're not going crazy, crazy people don't know they're crazy. And it is treatable.

Gays somebody know how to solve this finance problem?

it takes martha's uniforms an average of 38 days to collect their accounts receivable. the firm has sales of $ 113,300 and costs of goods sold of $ 87,600. What is the accounts receivable turnover rat


I mean come on!! it was on for 6 years, and it is absolutely hysterical! its one of the best shows, best plots, and best storylines that ever existed yet it isnt on dvd. I hope one of you warner brother or plymouth or whoever people sees this and decides to put it on dvd, because it needs to happen!!!!!

Who saw the Iraqi who throw his shoes on George W.Bush during a press conferees? here is the VIDEO ?

Bush is still, and always will be under the impression that he did something great for Iraq when he really just put the entire country into poverty as well as our own with the economy.

Is this a good thesis?

Any thesis is good as long as you can prove it in you're next few paragraphs, make sure that your body paragraphs explain perfectly how Atticus Finch shows what it means to have personal morals and do not let reputations or high social expectations depict who you are.

Is anyone else obsessed with Arizona Tea?

I tried it one a whim and I LOVVVVVVVVVVVEEE IT, they are sooooo good. My favorite are the Arnold Palmers but noe i desperatly want to try the energy drinks.

Math Question !! "Woo Hoo!!" (:?

So originally everything is 4ft x 4ft x 4ft Making everything 4 times bigger would be 16 x 16 x 16 or 4096 ft^3

Which is more efficient?

I would think the Prius, just because there's more that 1 car being sent to Japan and back each shipment.

Please Answer This!!!! HELP NEEDED BADLY! 10 POINTS!!!!?

if youre getting a positive line in the 10 minutes its not an evap line its a positive and youre pregnant


3 greenhouse gases retain heat from the sun but do not increase the energy reaching the earth from the Sun.

If your dog bit the postal carrier, would you have him put down?

I expect you to know how this question should be answered, if you've a modi of mad grammatical skillz.

Blackjack book has me a bit confused...?

I recently bought The Blackjack Blue-book II after reading an interesting article about the Mentor count being better (yes, better) and easier to use than the Zen count. I quickly learned the values for the cards as it is a bit similar to the Zen count which I am familiar with. The real problem is that I don't understand the conversion of the running count to the true count for the Mentor count. If anyone can explain the way of doing this CLEARLY then that would be great.

Hershey Kisses Toffee crunch?

I'm trying to look for a limited edition of Hershey Kisses Toffee Crunch. Those were my husbands favorite and I would like to buy him some for Christmas but I know they stopped selling them a few years ago. Already tried googling them and no luck. Any idea of where I can buy some? Not even sure if they still make them

Why are American celebrities so fake and stupid?

They act like they are really nice and go around the world as if they are heroes and RICH generous Americans...They think less of the world and then go around helping the poor as if they actually care. Is it for the publicity or is it because they actually care. From what i've seen, most Americans are quite fake but why do celebrities reinforce this belief. Since they tend to be popular and known among the public, wouldn't they try and change this perception? But a lot of them do such stupid things, especially jessica simpson, lindsey lohan, britney spears and paris hilton. Do they even know much about the world to help? Lindsey Lohan was recently in India and said "wow, India is industrialized? I thought India was mostly desert...I'm impressed!"...This is a quote and she actually said this. She was there to film a doentary on poor india (what other topic would western media choose when depicting India?") Britney Spears recently found out that Japan is not part of Africa...I really wonder, why such ignorance?

How to wake my self up please help.?

Ok i have to make this quick because i have to go to school at 7:40. Alright when i wake up in the mornings i cant keep myself awake.Right now im sitting on the computer in my PJ's :/ And i had a shower last night people say cold showers but i don't have time.And i just ate im eating a blueberry beagle.What can i do that's quick please give lots of choices.Thanks,Brittany

Should I have with him?

I've been sort-of seeing this guy for a few dates, and I'm so ually attracted to him (we're both adults) and I really want to have with him. We're more just like a summer fling, so I don't think I'll get emotionally attached. The only thing I'm really worried about is an STD, but if I wanted to, I could probably get him tested and use condoms, and I'm on the pill. I guess I'm just scared of being considered promiscuous, even though nobody would know about it...I would feel bad about myself. is this just a stupid cultural hangup? If I were a guy there'd be nothing wrong with it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How do you go off a jump when snowboarding?

I'vve been snowboarding for a while now and i want to start hitting some jumps. I looked at a few videos on youtube but they dont really give me a clear answer. Are you supposed to lean a certain way or stay flat based? should i ollie or just pop off the jump?


Which episode number is the one where Theresa was giving birth while stuck in a cabin with Ethan and Gwen; she had a hallucination in which the three of them did a dance together and sang the show's theme? If you can give me the exact date it aired, that would be great. Also, where can I watch that one episode? Can you give me a link? Don't say NBC, because they only have the latest episodes. Thank you!!!

PLEASE HELP ME DECIDE! LEONARDO DICAPRIO- which picture should i use????

if ur wearing to school or somewhere with kids i'd go with 1 bcuz the second one he's holding a cigarette... so I'd go with 1...

UK: no-win-no-fee solicitors for unpaid royalties and copyright infringement?

As has been said, no-win, no-fee cases are only taken on if there is 100% chance of winnings (and I mean 100% in it's truest's not just a euphemism, there has to be no chance of you losing whatsoever), and Copyright cases are never cut and dry, so I don't think that's the route to take.

Why was exploration in the Americas easier than exploration in Asia? [Columbus' time]?

not GETTING to America..but just generally exploration IN the Americas, besides that they were not going through civil wars like Japan and China both were.

How can someone, who might owe money for neglected finances in kuwait find out what cases he has pending?

i worked in kuwait previously in kuwait as a contractor and had financed a car along with running up a credit card debt. I would like to know if there is something that i can do over the interenet to find out if i have any cases pending. I know that they use your pport to do the checks so obviously somehow i should beable to contact somebody or some website to find out what my situation looks like. I want to contract up in Iraq but don't want to be held in Kuwait for unpaid debts. so i need to resolve this issue if one still exist!

Rate My Fantasy Baseball Team?

I agree that this is a pretty strong team. Good bullpen, and a fairly strong offensive attack. Don't hesitate to drop some of those weaker pitchers early though if you see good pick ups. With JoBo, for example, last year was a fluke and he will not match his top American league save count.

Does he care about me,what should i do?guys and girls advice needed?

I like this guy at my school.We were really good friends.But then i started to like him for more than a friend and made a mistake by telling my friends.My friend Paula asked him if he liked me and he said no were just friends.A few months after that my friends asked him out for me and he told them if i asked him myself there's a possibility that he would say yes.When i was about to ask him his friend kept saying "i know the answer, its no"and he laughed and pushed him to the side.So i asked him, around his friends and mine, and these were his exact words "Not really,but sure" The next day i asked him for his number and he said "ok sure"Then he gave me it and as he walked away he said "i probably shouldn't of done that.At lunch i was standing behind him and my friend (his x girlfriend,they only went out for 2 days so i don't really think it counts) pushed me towards him but i ended up hitting the door.And he started yelling at her for pushing me. Me and my friend Stacy called him and she asked him if he liked me and he said "y-e-s". And now hes holding doors open for me, but i still don't think he likes me that much. Me and him dont really talk alot, so i was thinking i should ask him if i could sit next to him in ELA, because he doesn't sit next to anyone in that cl, what do you guys think, does he like me or not, and should i ask him if i should sit next to him.

Chemistry Gas Pressure Question?

There is three flasks connected in a system. Given starting conditions 0xygen V = 3.00L and P = 1.46atm, Nitrogen V = 2.00 L and P = .0908atm and Argon V = 5.00L and P = 2.71atm. What is the final pressure in the system and the partial pressure of each of the three gases? ume no change in temperature. Any help would be appreciated.

Can I get hypnotized to be more optimistic?

Stuff gets to me and makes me depressed easily; I want to stop being so emo-do you think hypnosis would actually work?

Was the big vent put in the living room wall, sited wrongly?

We had cavity wall insulation put in last June. We have a back boiler, & so had to have this vent put 20 inches up from floor for it to burn properly. All the summer it was fine because we didn't have any gas on. In September we switched on & got headaches. Called the gas fitter out & he checked it thoroughly--- said nothing was wrong. must have been - because head aches have gone. We find the room cold & extremely draughty especially when wind is in wrong direction. I sit with a blanket on me & turn the heat up. Kind of defeats the object doesn't it! Has anyone had this same problem? Can I do anything about it?

If it were ever possbile, how could Sephiroth (Final Fantasy) come back to life? Possibilities and how?

Okay, we all know that Sephiroth was killed twice. When dealing with the second attempt, in Advent Children, Cloud killed him for good. But for wonder sakes, can you think of any possibilities on how he might be able to come back? If you do, can you go into detail on how? Any ideas are welcome.

Can I hang a bike vertically without drilling or otherwise risk leaving big holes or ruining the drywall?

The second one, the delta should work. The arms look like they are adjustable so you can put them together at the end and hang the wheel of the bike on it. Looks like the perfect rack for hanging a bike vertically.

Gerry Adams attended a police funeral today. Why has it taken him so long to wake up and see that killing Brit?

i dont long will it take for british people to realise that history will not stop repeating itself.if ireland hadnt been torn apart this wouldnt be happening.P.S. i dont condone any of this i just feel its unfair to single out gerry adams.truth is both sides are very very wrong.

How Can I Burn DVD's on my PowerProducer 3?

simple as this, i have created an entire slideshow DVD on my PowerProducer, and when i click the arrow to go to the final steps, it wont let me click on "Burn DVD." I need it for my boyfriend and I's anniversary, which is monday. But i just can't seem to get it working right. Maybe its just me i don't know, all i know is i don't have a brochure to tell me how to work it. Please help! Fast......

Tell me what you think of my poem plz?

its rly nice , but if u dont want ppl to steal it and publish it as their own then u better think twice then to put it on here.

I don't understand why was is so mad. What was his intentions in the first place?

I have no idea what this mans problem is, but he obviously sounds to me like hes just using you for money. I mean if your not comfortable ansering a direct question of how much money that you make, thats understandable, because you obviously dont know him well enough to trust him, and are just trying to protect yourself, so to get mad at that isnt reasonable or fair to your at all. Because he doesnt get his way, hes just getting mad, instead of compromisoing, why doesnt he then tell you how much he earns then ey? Its up to you, he shouldnt pressurise you. Then comparing you and him to other couples, thats not fiar to judge other people, and you, and compare, their situation is just different, maybe their husbands dont act or behave like he does with you, and maybe they know each other well enough to build up that trust, and dont just get mad everytime for every single unreasonable request. WHy is he pressurising you and him to buy a house together, obviously so far, he isnt making you happy, so why would you wanna buy a house with him and you together, you wanna take it slowly instead of making a commitment like that with him, obviously he should be understanding. There should be some sort of compromise, and agreement mutually, instead of this. So why are you expected to be paying for his parking tickets? I mean if hes so mad about paying the bills, then why agree to it in the first place. Was he presurised to agree? If hes not happy after hes agreed, he can just talk to you about what hes not happy about and agree to split the bills fify fifty, so that you can both be happy and come to some common ground. Anyway i dont know. But its good that you can start again with your life now. Take good care, bye for now.

Using severe acne treatment on non severe acne?

OK I don't have that much acne its definitely not severe and I want to use a product that I have tried before and it worked. its acne-free terminator for severe acne. however I don't have severe acne but I know the product works for me. So what would happen if I use severe acne treatment on non severe acne?? will the acne get severe or will my skin hurt or what? THANK YOU!!!!

I have an Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz, what is the best graphic card to use acivate my Aero Graphics?

My computer has a low profile slot, and is AGP DDR as far as I know. I know ineed at least 128mbs, and I would like it compatible to Windows & Aero; DirectX 11, 3D, etc A little reurance on the next purchase of a graphic card please.

I am learning hebrew but I need to practice my reading. Does anyone know of any sites with hebrew books?

Or where I can read the torah or any book in hebrew? The thing is that I need the letters to have vowel marks, thanks :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Getting ready for track?

It really depends on how much you run right now if you dont run a lot then start walking you need to build up a core in your legs before you can start to really run a lot. Also, if you want to run long distance then you might want to work on lenghtining your stride a bit too that help me in my ninja running techniques that it did. Also if you get tired running stop and do some push ups and sit ups one that will get you stronger with out too much bulk up. Also if you want to you can put some weights in a bookbag or a tactical backpack so you can run with extra weight so its harder. And when you can run up hills or stairs that is a great way to get in shape it is.

My friend slipping away from me?:'(?

Me and her have been friends since 4th grade and now its 7th grade. We stopped talking about a month ago and now I dont even know where this leaves us. We stopped talking because a month ago our little group broke up and it had me Emma and Renato in it. Emma is one of those nice people but Renato is one of those dooshbag guys that you will see messing up girls hair,putting their shoe in water, and throwing stuff at you. One day I decided that I couldn't stand Renato anymore sk I left the group. Then like a week later the group started growing together again.....except without me. Emma and Renato because extremely close and theyve just like forgotten about me. I really want to talk to Emma but she obviously prefers Renato over me. And everywhere she is Renato is always there. I don't know what to do :( I miss her so much all of the memories we had....but she just like I'm not sure....threw them away and replaced them with renatos. I just don't know what to do!!!! :'s so hlp plz and no mean comments. I hate ren (Renato) btw

Teenage Movies with cute actors :)?

camp rock is the best Disney Channel movie ever! demi lovato rules! but u should see ironman its such a good movie

Help!!! i need serious leg toning advice!! 10 pts!! :)?

Plz read my question! I am 5'5" about 160 lb 34 yr old female. I've lost weight in past & wkin on losing more now. Backs of thighs & are squishy w/cellulite & I want to make it look lean. Plz sum1 give advice I can do in gym to tone up my legs. I am walkin @ least 4-5x/week for about hr @ a time. Usually lift weights but back hurts & was told not to right now. Plz I want to have my legs look smooth, I've never felt comfortable to wear shorts & want to look good by spring/summer!! Thank u!!

Chihuahua puppy whining alot?

You seem like an awesome owner, and you are doing everything fine. She probably misses her mom, and it's a new house but at least she's eating and drinking :) And it's also good you have another dog to keep her company. Just try to pet her and play, then slowly walk away, or bring your other dog to her so they can play. Hope it works :)

Japanese Anime?

What is the best internet site out there, in your opinion, that has printable sheets on how to draw all the body parts of people in Japanese Anime. I have just started drawing anime, and I had trouble finding a good site that I can print examples or steps to drawing anime from. If you can help me, that would be great.



Why didn't Gail fire Tracy on the spot if it was Oliva she would of fired her?

Totally! I think she was kind of shocked and didn't want to act irrationally. She has fired Tracy in the past and I think she was trying to overcompensate for that! And maybe she sees that working for Alexa has not affected Tracy's work at the Gatsby.

Suppose that a world organization is recruiting people to be part of a new project called "The Power Rangers"?

yeah.i remember when i was kid there were power rangers called 'mighty morfin power rangers'...they used drug to get stronger but then the series was banned...power rangers is possible..n my favorite ranger is the blue...hes the kindest n sometimes the blue will look like asian....n i want to be pink ranger because the pink ranger is usually the prettiest one...hehe..i cant think anyone to be in my ranger group at the moment but i definitely invite u to be our advisor...aayyaaiiyyaii(remenber the small robot?)

Where do old lullibies come from?

i started listening to them when i had my baby 3 months ago. i have heard them all before that but now that i sing them to him i started listening to what they say and its crazy what they say.. and mean.. "ring around the rosies pocket full of poseys ashes ashes we all fall down.." weird to me.. "rock aby baby in the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock, when the bow breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle in all" come on.. is this what makes a baby fall alseep? what is the logic behind these sogs..? there are many more but im sure you get the point..

What is wrong with me?

I have had this problem for two years now. It all started on a regular day , went to work and then to the gym , but as i was coming home and standing at my front door i suddenly started feeling very light headed and dizzy(drunken like feeling). I got really scared and my heart started pounding in my chest so i called the ambulance. I went to the doctor and he did all sorts of tests. Heart cardiogram , blood test , urine test and the works. But nothing came out of it. But the dizziness and light headed felling has persisted to this day. All day every day... And as time has ped it has gotten worse , now i cant concentrate , started feeling my heartbeat and skipping beats sometimes many times a day but may go away for a few days or a week and then come back.. Ive seen a heart specialist but he says its normal skipping beats. New symptoms are that i feel tired all the time and have no energy at all especially if i havent eaten for 3 hours i feel like my blood sugar has dropped and i can barely move. I have continued to work out and try to jog a few times a week. Eat healthy , complex carbs , vitamins and lots of protein , Veggies and fruits.. Im at a loss here because im doing everything right but the symptoms just wont go away and its driving me nuts. Im very tired of rushing to the hospital thinking this is the day i die because the symptoms get so bad sometimes. Please help :(

I want a freeware movie editor?

yeh you can get moviemaker on 7, get it here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Dog ear hair ( not a plucking question)?

I have 2 dogs. One has floppy ears, the other perky. Lately ( past year), my floppy eared dog has been shaking his head alot. When we look down his ear with a flashlight, we notice there are hairs ( not attactched,) usually in clumps, sometimes just one or two. Out of curiousity, we checked the perky eared dogs ears, there is no hair. Ive checked this dog often and there is never hair. The floppy eared dog always has hairs that bother him. How can i prevent this? Why doesnt the dog that has ears wide open have this problem?

How can someone living in a "Right to Work" state demand the same working rights as in other states?

I have been discriminated against at work because I am a female. My boss does not like women and has gotten rid of all women in supervisory positions or who complain to H.R. about his improper actions....ual harment, harment, discrimination. I have filed a complaint with the E.E.O and they are having trouble doing anything about it because Nevada is a "Right to Work" State. This means when you are hired in Nevada, you have to sign a doent that you can be fired at any time for any or no reason. If you do not sign this doent, you do not get hired. What are laws for if, in Nevada, they mean nothing?

Was the Soviet Union really communist?

From what little I've read of Karl Marx, I understand that communism was supposed to be a natural revolution of the workers and was to result in common ownership of the means of production. But the Soviet Union was a dictatorship, pure and simple. Aren't these two completely unrelated styles of government? Are there any similarities at all between "true" communism and the former Soviet government?

I'd like to ask again about grammatical question,please advise!?

I ume I can't get an answer I can understand, so I would ask again expecting a clear explanation. A solution says "Being informed, the computer repair technician will restore lost data till the next morning." should be changed to "Informed, the computer..." Could you advise me why the 'Being' should be deleted in the first sentence if the solution points out correctly. Thanks in advance for your help.

I need help with downloading stuff onto iPod touch.,?

I got the digital copy of terminator salvation, and i have it on iTunes, i can watch it, i just need help downloading it onto my iPod Touch! Please tell me how

How does my resume look to gain admission to the Air Force Academy?

Pretty good. All would add is back down a little on the extracurriculars if you have to, but get that GPA up.

Girls Tips On Escaping Friend Zone? (10 points)?

Just tell her u want her to be ur gf and to stop being with all them guys cuz shes looking a bit slutty lol.. and ummm do u really want a girl like that? IF you don't then leave her alone and stop talking to her. She seems like a waste of time to me.. Not to be mean..

Should Ted Tompson be fired as Packers GM?

Ted Thompson undermined Brett Favre from day one. He drafted Aaron Rogers when the Packers had MUCH more needs. Then he urged the press into cinstantly irritating Favre

Why is my 88 broncos battery being drained?

it drained battery so i jumped it got it running so i put new battery in it but now it will not start like it not getting fuel but it is and still draining battery so i found fuse it a 15 amp that ran radio but dont know what else it runs please help! Thanks Brad