Thursday, August 11, 2011

How soon is too soon?

Okay so Im just starting to get out of a really really bad marriage filled with betrayal, infidelity, and lying. To make a long story short my husband (soon 2 b ex) is in the Army, I've caught him cheating with a co worker (I turned them both in) and with a stripper, etc ,etc. Now Im at the point where Im starting to go out and enjoy myself (like he has been doing) and I just want to know how soon is too soon to start officially dating? Also, I ended up having to put a restraining order against hime because he was doing stupid stuff like breaking off the key in my lock so that the children and I couldnt get in the house. I have some info on him that could get him taken from E5 to E1 in A HEARTBEAT! Should I do it? Or should I just let kharma wear him down?

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