Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What type of doctors are there? what kind would be best for me?

I am graduating high school this year. and i am going off to school to be a pharmacist. Although i have been quite interested in the idea of being a doctor. I am aware that tv shows distort things to make it more interesting to watch but shows such as house, just the concept of being able to examine people with problems and do testing to find the right diagnosis interests me, as a pharmacist i will probably miss out on alot of those things, i will only be focused on the medicine not on the specific treatment of different people. however i am sensitive to gory images, i can handle watching fake opperations on tv on doctor shows, but i can't quite handle the real thing. I have been trying to look up medical procedures working my way up from the least gruesome to the worst, to sorta force myself to get used to it. I know i wouldn't be able to be a surgen. but idk i dont no what types of doctors there are to choose from, i dont want to be a family doctor either. i have decided already when i choose pharmacy that i would rather work in a hospital. It would be helpful if someone could list types of doctors there are and what they do. however i am only focusing on undergraduate school. so any type that requires more than that i probably wont look into for a long time. my idea though to get used to gory images is slightly progressing, i have looked at an immage of a liver biopsy, and i realy dont no what else to look at that is mild, so i looked at images of untreated leprocy. so if anyone could help list medical procedures. I just would like help trying to get used to that type of stuff, and would like to learn what types of doctors there are. and anything else that you feel lmight help.

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