Friday, August 12, 2011

Can anyone proofread this short essay for me, its a real quick read...thanks!?What would you like to ask?

During my freshman year, I decided to join the track and field team. Mostly because I wanted to stay in shape. A few days into the season, I realized that sprinting wasn’t for me. Running mindlessly around the track only made my shins feel like they were going to crack. But I trudged on and managed to survive the season. After the season I swore I would never run track again. However, I eventually stumbled across several YouTube videos that featured a man manipulating a fibergl cylinder in such a manner that immense potential kinetic energy was built up. This action lifted the person off the ground, launched him through the air, and over a horizontal bar. After a few more of these videos, I had an epiphany: I wanted very badly to try pole vaulting. So I did. The next spring I joined the track team again, but this time I was running down a runway with a thirteen foot fibergl pole in my hands. Before long I was making improvements every day, and I loved every second of it. I simply loved pole vaulting because of the thrill, the laid-back atmosphere at practice craderie on the team, and the fact that I was good at it. I often found myself checking the weather on the internet during study hall, praying that any rain would “miss” the high school because rain-soaked and slippery poles do not bode well for any pole-vaulter. It has been roughly two years since that first time I pole vaulted, and I have benefited a lot since. Aside from the healthy abs I developed through the workouts, I also added much needed thrill to my life. I made many friends and lastly, I satisfied a desire for athletic success, thereby increasing my self-confidence.

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