Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I don't understand why was is so mad. What was his intentions in the first place?

I have no idea what this mans problem is, but he obviously sounds to me like hes just using you for money. I mean if your not comfortable ansering a direct question of how much money that you make, thats understandable, because you obviously dont know him well enough to trust him, and are just trying to protect yourself, so to get mad at that isnt reasonable or fair to your at all. Because he doesnt get his way, hes just getting mad, instead of compromisoing, why doesnt he then tell you how much he earns then ey? Its up to you, he shouldnt pressurise you. Then comparing you and him to other couples, thats not fiar to judge other people, and you, and compare, their situation is just different, maybe their husbands dont act or behave like he does with you, and maybe they know each other well enough to build up that trust, and dont just get mad everytime for every single unreasonable request. WHy is he pressurising you and him to buy a house together, obviously so far, he isnt making you happy, so why would you wanna buy a house with him and you together, you wanna take it slowly instead of making a commitment like that with him, obviously he should be understanding. There should be some sort of compromise, and agreement mutually, instead of this. So why are you expected to be paying for his parking tickets? I mean if hes so mad about paying the bills, then why agree to it in the first place. Was he presurised to agree? If hes not happy after hes agreed, he can just talk to you about what hes not happy about and agree to split the bills fify fifty, so that you can both be happy and come to some common ground. Anyway i dont know. But its good that you can start again with your life now. Take good care, bye for now.

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